We provide high quality qualitative and quantitative research on countries across the Horn of Africa and Nigeria.
Our team produce in depth conflict / situation analysis of a locality, district, state or country as well as bringing you insights on dynamics across borders.
We produce studies looking at particular issues or localities. We pride ourselves on deep local knowledge and our ability to conduct field research in some of the most challenging locations, that insight is what sets us apart. We enhance that insight with data analysis and geospatial mapping.
Clients for this work include businesses looking to enter a new market who want to understand the full granularity of the dynamics they will face, humanitarian and development organizations seeking to ensure that the work they do is well targeted and appreciative of local dynamics.
Knowing how a project / enterprise is performing is vital to achieving your goals. Our experienced team at Sabi Insight help:
NGOs and IOs conduct baseline, midterm and end of project evaluations.
Companies assess the impact of their activities in complex environments.
Organizations (in particular peace building organizations) evaluate the success of their models for management and delivery, and develop action plans to maximize their impacts.
We help deliver projects across the Horn of Africa, East Africa and Nigeria. Our experienced team help with all aspects of project delivery:
Developing management systems to ensure you deliver
Helping organizations navigate new environments
We also deliver short term projects in the Horn of Africa, East Africa and Nigeria.